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  Paranormal news 2014: Page 176

Paranormal news 2014 (Subscribe)


Tim Johnson: Eye to eye exhibition opens new Nancy Sever Gallery - Sydney Morning Herald

From Buddhism to extraterrestrials, it is a hypnotic canvas where the viewer is drawn into the picture space and encounters a whole galaxy of images and styles. It is also one of the many paintings where Johnson collaborates with other artists, in this ...

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The vegan community is small but active and research shows its health benefits - Pittsburgh Post-Gaz

No, vegans are not extraterrestrials from a planet orbiting Vega, although many might consider their dietary habits to be completely alien. Plant-only eaters represent a mere 2 percent of the population; another 5 percent describe themselves as vegetarian.

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Segerstrom Center Announces Casting for GHOST, 7/29-8/10 - Broadway World

The musical features book and lyrics by Bruce Joel Rubin (Ghost, Jacob's Ladder, The Time Traveler's Wife) who has adapted his Academy Award-winning original screenplay for the stage and original music and lyrics by a team of Grammy® Award-winners, ...

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Royal Oak native investigates cold cases, missing persons using 'psychic ... - Royal Oak Daily Tribu

Some people may be skeptical about people claiming to have psychic abilities — but former Royal Oak resident Kelle Sutliff, who works as a psychic investigator in cold cases nationally and internationally, tries to prove nonbelievers wrong. In her ...

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Paranormal Corner: Personal experiences during paranormal investigations - Today's Sunbeam -

When I tell people that I'm a paranormal investigator, the first thing they ask is if I've ever "seen anything." My answer to that question isn't as cut and dry as the answer some of my Jersey Unique Minds Paranormal Society team mates would give. I ...

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Nancy Drew: The Shattered Medallion review - Adventure Gamers

As if that weren't odd enough, you'll also find that Sonny has extracurricular activities outside of show producing that include contemplating extraterrestrials. Yes, aliens; you read that right. In a reality show. That's a profound thought. You'll ...

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Nancy Drew: The Shattered Medallion - Adventure Gamers

As if that weren't odd enough, you'll also find that Sonny has extracurricular activities outside of show producing that include contemplating extraterrestrials. Yes, aliens; you read that right. In a reality show. That's a profound thought. You'll ...

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METAL INJECTION LIVECAST #264 – Cat Psychic - Metal

Noa called in from Israel and Sid was not on-air for personal reasons, which led to Noa talking about her friend, the cat psychic. This led to an entire first hour talking about psychics. In the second hour, we discussed Limp Bizkit and Anthrax ...

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Lorde Ain't Afraid Of No Ghosts -

It doesn't really matter whether you believe in ghosts or not. When they show up, you just kind of have to deal with it. Just ask Lorde. Because apparently the singer has been haunted by some spectral spirits during sessions for the follow-up to her ...

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Laikipia MCAs Query Pay for 825 'Ghost Workers' -

Thingithu ward MCA Michael Kinyua and nominated MCA Nyambura Maitai said the money could have been paid to ghost workers. The House resolved that the matter be referred to the Senate for intervention under Standing Order number 42(2) to have the ...

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Florida's Space Shuttle Ghost Town - VICE

Once upon a time, people had a good reason to visit Titusville, Florida. The seat of Brevard County was a great place to watch the space shuttles take off, and shops were kept in business by the steady stream of tourists from around the world who came ...

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Ebola, snakes and witchcraft: stopping the deadly disease in its tracks - Red Cross Blogs (blog)

They call him by his surname, Konneh. His manners are gentle and his voice calm. He's a volunteer with the Sierra Leone Red Cross Society, always willing to help. The 21-year-old lives in Kenema, one of the largest cities in Sierra Leone. It's a two ...

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