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  Christianity: Denominations: Catholicism: Saints: J: Blessed John Paul II: Works: Page 2

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Pastores Dabo Vobis

Apostolic Exhortation on the formation of priests in the circumstances of the present day, issued 25 March, 1992. Full text, with concordances and word frequency lists. Each paragraph in its own file.

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Pastores Dabo Vobis

Apostolic Exhortation on the formation of priests in the circumstances of the present day. Given 25 March, 1992. All in one file. 352K, and you cannot begin reading until page has fully loaded.

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Orientale Lumen

Apostolic Letter of Pope John Paul II, marking the centenary of Orientalium Dignitas. On the Churches of the East. Given 2 May, 1995. 77K.

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On the Catholic Universities

Mi e Particolarmente. The address of Pope John Paul II To the Third International Meeting of Catholic Universities and Institutions of Higher Learning, 25 April, 1989.

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On Disarmament

Message to the General Assembly of the United Nations stating that disarmament efforts cannot concern only some countries or be centered on one type of weapon. 1988.

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Message to Children for Christmas 1994

Pope John Paul II wrote this special letter to children everywhere.

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Master in the Faith

Apostolic Letter for the Fourth Centenary of the Death of St. John of the Cross. Given 14 December, 1990.

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Letter to Artists

Easter Sunday, 4 April, 1999. On the vocation of the artist to create beauty in the service of God and humanity.

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Laborem Exercens

Encyclical on human work, issued on the ninetieth anniversary of Rerum Novarum. Full text, with concordances and word frequency lists. Each section in its own file.

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Laborem Exercens

Encyclical on human work, promulgated 14 September, 1981. All in one file. 130K.

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Fides et Ratio

Encyclical on the relationship between faith and reason. Promulgated 14 September, 1998. Full text, with concordances and word frequency lists. Each section in its own file.

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Familiaris Consortio

Apostolic Exhortation addressed to all the faithful, on the role of the Christian family in the modern world. Given 22 November, 1981. Full text, with concordances and word frequency lists. Each paragraph in its own file.

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Familiaris Consortio

Apostolic Exhortation on the role of the Christian family in the modern world. Given 22 November, 1981. All in one file. 214K.

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Evangelium Vitae

Encyclical on the value and inviolability of human life. Full text, with concordances and word frequency lists. Each section in its own file. No footnotes.

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Evangelium Vitae

Encyclical on the value and inviolability of human life. At the Vatican. Uses Microsoft-only characters, is 355K, and you can't read anything until it's done loading.

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Evangelium Vitae

Encyclical on the value and inviolability of human life. Promulgated 25 March, 1995. All in one file. 284K.

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Ecclesia in Asia

Apostolic Exhortation, given 6 November, 1999. Addressed to all the faithful in Asia. Full text, with concordances and word frequency lists. Each paragraph in its own file.

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Ecclesia in America

Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, to all the faithful in the Americas, on the way to conversion and solidarity. Given 22 January, 1999. Full text, with concordances and word frequency lists. Each paragraph in its own file.

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Ecclesia in Africa

Apostolic Exhortation, given 14 September, 1995. To all the faithful in Africa, on the Church in Africa's evangelizing mission. Full text, with concordances and word frequency lists. Each paragraph in its own file.

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Ecclesia Dei

Apostolic Letter declares that Archbishop Lefebvre and other leaders of the Society of St. Pius X are excommunicated, along with those who formally adhere to this schism. Given motu proprio 2 July, 1988.

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Dominum et Vivificantem

Encyclical on the Holy Spirit, promulgated 18 May, 1986. Full text, with concordances and word frequency lists. Each chapter in its own file.

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Dominum et Vivificantem

Encyclical on the Holy Spirit, promulgated 18 May, 1986. Has some hyperlinks to articles in the Catholic Encyclopedia. All in one file. 186K.

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